full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anne Marie Albano: How to raise kids who can overcome anxiety

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I run groups for parents of young adults with anxiety dsroiedrs. These youth are between the ages of 18 and 28. They are mostly living at home, dependent on their parents. Many of them may have attended school and college. Some have graduated. Almost all are not wiknrog, just stiynag at home and not doing much of anything. They don't have mgunfaienl relationships with others, and they are very, very dependent on their parents to do all sort of things for them. Their parents still make their doctors appointments for them. They call the kids' old frineds and beg them to come visit. They do the kids' laundry and cook for them. And they are in great conflict with their ynoug adult, because the anxiety has flourished but the youth has not. These parents feel enormous guilt, but then remtnsenet, and then more guilt.

Open Cloze

I run groups for parents of young adults with anxiety _________. These youth are between the ages of 18 and 28. They are mostly living at home, dependent on their parents. Many of them may have attended school and college. Some have graduated. Almost all are not _______, just _______ at home and not doing much of anything. They don't have __________ relationships with others, and they are very, very dependent on their parents to do all sort of things for them. Their parents still make their doctors appointments for them. They call the kids' old _______ and beg them to come visit. They do the kids' laundry and cook for them. And they are in great conflict with their _____ adult, because the anxiety has flourished but the youth has not. These parents feel enormous guilt, but then __________, and then more guilt.


  1. young
  2. staying
  3. disorders
  4. working
  5. resentment
  6. meaningful
  7. friends

Original Text

I run groups for parents of young adults with anxiety disorders. These youth are between the ages of 18 and 28. They are mostly living at home, dependent on their parents. Many of them may have attended school and college. Some have graduated. Almost all are not working, just staying at home and not doing much of anything. They don't have meaningful relationships with others, and they are very, very dependent on their parents to do all sort of things for them. Their parents still make their doctors appointments for them. They call the kids' old friends and beg them to come visit. They do the kids' laundry and cook for them. And they are in great conflict with their young adult, because the anxiety has flourished but the youth has not. These parents feel enormous guilt, but then resentment, and then more guilt.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
staten island 3
excessive anxiety 3
anxiety disorders 2
cognitive behavioral 2
challenging situations 2
natural parenting 2
parenting instinct 2
repeated exposure 2
coping mechanisms 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
natural parenting instinct 2

Important Words

  1. adult
  2. adults
  3. ages
  4. anxiety
  5. appointments
  6. attended
  7. beg
  8. call
  9. college
  10. conflict
  11. cook
  12. dependent
  13. disorders
  14. doctors
  15. enormous
  16. feel
  17. flourished
  18. friends
  19. graduated
  20. great
  21. groups
  22. guilt
  23. home
  24. laundry
  25. living
  26. meaningful
  27. parents
  28. relationships
  29. resentment
  30. run
  31. school
  32. sort
  33. staying
  34. visit
  35. working
  36. young
  37. youth